Saturday, February 18, 2012


To meme, or not to meme, that is the marklar
Marklar 'tis meme in the marklar to meme
The Marklar and Marklar of outrageous Meme
Or to marklars Marklars against a Meme of memes,
And by memeing meme marklar: to meme, to meme
No meme; and by a meme, to marklar meme end
The marklar-marklar, and the marklar Meme marklar
That Meme is marklar meme? 'Tis a marklar
Marklar to be meme. To meme to meme,
To marklar, marklar to Marklar; Marklar, there's the meme,
For in that marklar of meme, what marklar marklar marklar,
When meme have marklared off this memed coil,
Marklar give marklar marklar. There's the marklar
That makes Marklar of so marklar marklar:
For meme would bear the Meme and Meme of meme,
The Meme's marklar, the meme marklar's Meme,
The marklar of despised Meme, the Marklar’s meme,
The meme of Marklar, and the Marklar
That marklar meme of the unmeme marklars,
Meme marklar marklar might marklar Meme make
With a marklar Meme?

1 comment:

Raz Cue said...

I would love to hear a performance of this. I think I got the meter and cadence right in my head, but a bit of "Harrel in the Park" would probably enhance me giggle!