Thursday, April 4, 2019

What If Corporate Dems Revived "Red Channels" - Part 3

Over the next few weeks, I will be periodically posting articles as would likely appear in a Corporate Democrats revival of the old Commie hating warhorse, Red Channels. It's what they do best the last 3 years, so why not go full board? Some may feel these parodies go too far(!), while others will feel they don't go far enough.

Thirdly, a hard hitting article, EXPOSED #1 --- RUSSIA TODAY AMERICA.

As the January, 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment Report has shown all Americans, 17 of our valued intelligence agencies all agree that Russia hacked, basically stole, our 2016 elections. In the Report they spend a great deal of time focusing on the Kremlin run commie "news" broadcasting channel, Russia Today (RT) America. In this, our first of many EXPOSED articles, we will name names of the American Traitors who work there and hand down our judgement of those who support Russian dictator Putin and his puppet Trump.

LARRY KING - some of you older people might remember King as the folksy radio talk show host and TV personality. Now, he has a show on RT America which allows him to not only spew the Putin-approved Kremlin line but parade an array of guests supporting Trump!

JESSE VENTURA - ex-pro-"wrestler, wanna be actor and former governor of Minnesota shows off his motorcycle skills as he heads down the red road of cowardice. He and his comely co-host tackle topics ranging from UFOs to CIA bashing with red glee.

TABETHA WALLACE - this blonde bimbo along with her co-hosts [sons of Jesse Ventura and Putin boy toy Oliver Stone] of the "Watching The Hawks" program never misses a moment to stroke puppet President Trump's massive ego. Her main preoccupation is simple anti-America bashing.

LEE CAMP - a so-called comedian who uses "jokes" to sooth his audience into a lull of treason with typical RT propaganda that is so vile in it's anti-Americanism as to cause retching and vomiting. His show is not for the faint of heart of true Patriots!

MAX KEISER - even the venerable American institutions of capitalism and finance are fair game for this barking Kremlin dog. Only a lapping dog Putin-ite would be stupid enough to take any Wall Street advice from this com-con.

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