Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Less Than 48 Hours; Twitter Wants To Know If I Am a ROBOT

I decided to join Twitter thinking it might be a better fit for my daily stream of consciousness random thoughts. But, alas.

I posted a comment that wasn't even political (shocking for people who know me well - a dwindling amount I might add) and instantly I was taken to a screen that wanted to know if I was a "robot". Here is the comment in question:

Pretty innocuous really. But then, with Putin lightning speed, came this:

Peter Strzok--the FBI agent who vowed to "stop Trump," who was admonished by the DOJ IG for his bias, and who was screwing around with FBI co-conspirator Lisa Page--is using a delusional link to The Weekly Standard as an exoneration of him to raise cash for himself.

But, I might a robot...

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