You know things have taken a turn toward the surreal when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's
annual speech before the United Nations General Assembly is beginning to make some sense. Oh, certainly he resolutely refuses to examine his own country with such a microscope and continues his obvious anti-Semitism, but that's what makes it surreal. I mean that's the way it is: he speaks of some truth but is vilified because, well, the United States describes him as a "madman".
Photo by Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images |
And the "madman" undermines legitimate research by co-opting ideas from others (I'm talking to you, too, Ron & Rand Paul) for his own country's agenda. In religious tone, his speech is not all that different from many given by George W. Bush or his recent heir apparent, Rick Perry. Yet, when viewing certain world affairs, his assertions defy the rhetorical questions.